Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monsoon rain brings out snake in December

Well last night the Lord decided to give us a very large rain. Zac drove to the shop and checked the rain gage. The gage showed that we had 4 inches of rain there last night. So, the creek gets out its banks last night and runs water up towards the barn. The wind has been howling here like its going to rip the roof off at any moment. The water and wind have some of the electric fences in need of some minor repair, but Zac has been waiting till the water subsides to repair them. He also had to put out hay for the horses today. Gary, my father-in-law, is going to help him. I sorta looked out the window while I was doing dishes, and I noticed that Gary kinda stopped and started and stopped and started again then stopped and kept turning his head to the side. Then he walked on to the truck. My dogs had been out earlier playing in the barn lot; so, I figured he was looking at the remnants of a mangled pig ear treat. Nope!! It was a very much alive snake. I called him thinking, "ha ha he didn't know that was a pig ear. He he." Well the joke was on me. He said, "Nope thats a snake." I said, "You are going to kill it right?" It is about to get cold again, and you and I both know that that dern snake would have found its way into my nice warm garage. I would hate to have to make a new door way into the garage. Seriously, snakes crawling in December. It just snowed here the other day.

Bad pic of the snake, but that was as close as I got to him.
The rest of the pics are of the horse lots.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lazy December Days

Well I decided that I might need to try and update my blog a little at a time. Laramy is recoverying from her recent ear infection, and Zac is recoverying from the crud. Everybody is about to finally get well. Maybe. So, needless to say, we have been going with the flow and kinda of sorta keeping it laid back to the max.

I love my family!! Never thought that I would actually enjoy being a stay-at-home wife and mother, but it is a lot cooler than I envisioned. I am blessed to be able to see all the milestones of my baby growing up first-hand. Nobody prepaired me for how exhausting birthing a baby, keeping a house and raising a child can be, but finally, finally I feel as though I have my second wind. Laramy and I decided to get up do breakfast and meds and go back to sleep the past few mornings. Our crashing out sessions have helped my energy levels increase tremendously. I feel relieved. I was beginning to think that something was wrong with me. Anyway, here are some pics.

Zac and Willie (our other baby, he is a corgi)
Laramy playing with both her toys with both hands.

Okay this pic is so we can redeem ourselves in the following pic.

Here we are keeping it real. Real laid back. Zac woke me up giggling while he took this. :O)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Pics

I have taken a lot of pictures this month, but failed to upload them to the blog. I have been kind of busy. Below are a few that made the cut. I have too many cute ones to post. Also, my bunch was sick during Thanksgiving, and we didn't go anywhere. Zac and Laramy have had terrible colds, that have turned into ear infections. We had to take Laramy to the Doctor today. She has another ear infection. Her second one so far in her 5 months of life. I hope this doesn't become a trend, but I know that it could definitely be a lot worse than an ear infection. I have been following little Noah Crowe's progress at Children's Hospital in Birmingham. If you have a child and they are reasonably healthy, you are very blessed. You can be healthy one minute and very sick the next. My thoughts and prayers go out to Noah and his family during this difficult time. Please pray for Noah.

She had the donkey in a sleeper hold at one point.

Her rattle/chew toy vibrates when bitten, and she finally learned how to make it work.

Good stuff.

Yes I can.
Jumperooed out!!

Prissy is trying to crawl .

Look at the focus on her face.

My girl finally loves her cereal. :O)
All that clothes folding supervising is very hard work.